Black Entertainment Television LLC Corporate Office Headquarters

Black Entertainment Television LLC Corporate Office | Headquarters

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1 BET Plaza,1235 W St. NE Washington, DC 20018
Phone: (202)608-2000

Company Overview

Black Entertainment Television also known as BET is an American based cable network owned by Viacom (BET Networks). It was launched in the year 1980 by Robert L. Johnson with the initial broadcast being a two hours per week program. The BET became a full-fledged channel in the year 1983 with the broadcast content being the popular black sitcoms reruns and music videos. Currently, BET is a very prominent TV network which although targets the African American is viewed in at least 90 million households. It is a sister station of the BET Gospel and it has two channels, BET Hip-Hop and Centric. The Company is based in Washington, USA.

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