Blevins Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Blevins Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
421 Hart Lane Nashville, TN 37216
Phone: (615)226-6453

Company Overview

Blevins Inc are the manufacturers and distributors of mobile home parts for the manufactured housing aftermarkets in USA. The Blevins Company was founded in the year 1957 and has its headquarters located at Nashville, Tennessee. The branches of the company are in Bristol, Virginia, Alexandria, Louisiana, Greenville, South Carolina, Jacksonville, Florida, Middletown, Pennsylvania, Lexington, Kentucky, Mobile, Liverpool, New York, Alabama, New Carlisle, Ohio, and Rocky Mount, North Carolina. The products of the company include coatings and cleaners, anchors and setups, doors and windows, appliances, tools and hardware, carpets and floorings, towing and safety products, electrical products, venting and plumbing products.

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