Lowes Food Stores Corporate Office Headquarters

Lowes Food Stores Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
200 Summit Square Boulevard U Rural Hall, NC 27045
Phone: (336)377-9525
Website: www.lowesfoods.com

Company Overview

Lowes Food Stores subsidiary of Alex Lee Inc a food wholesaler is the food store chain in areas of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. The company founded in 1954 has its headquarters in Winston Salem, North Carolina, USA. The company has about 111 stores in the three states offering grocery products that include fresh meat, seafood, deli, and bakery departments. The company also offers their customer an online shopping facility. The company brands include Word Classics, Top Care, Paws Premium Brands, Full circle, Better Value and Lowes Food brand. The X brand include Academix, Electrix, Domesticx offering solution to school supply, electrical and household needs.

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